Karina & Tim's Wedding Collection

Created By:
Karina Juhl
Collecting for:

Karina & Tim's Wedding Collection

Instead of wedding presents we would very much like to support the work of the Danish Children's Heart Foundation.
We would like to support their research because their work is of great importance to us and because of the support we received from them immediately after Isaac's heart surgery. We would like to support them in helping Isaac and children like him.
Hopefully, through their research, heart surgeries will be even safer, more successful and less evasive in the future. For Isaac, this could mean that a possible heart valve replacement could be done without open heart surgery.

The day after Isaac's operation two volunteers from the Foundation visited the hospital and made us feel understood and put us more at ease with our situation. It made such a difference for us.
This is our way of thanking them and giving back instead of receiving.
7,738 kr.
0 Days left

Karina Juhl donated 200 kr.

Recent activity

  • Raquel Ojeda Gregorio Raquel Ojeda Gregorio donated 500 kr.

    Thanks for the lovely wedding!

  • David Daley David Daley donated 500 kr.

    Thank you for such an amazing day. Love, SJ & Dave

  • Fenella Charity Fenella Charity donated 700 kr.

    Congratulations on your wedding and thanks for being awesome people with this wonderful initiative. Lots of love, Fen, Jules & Arlo xxx

  • Phil McCormick Phil McCormick donated 700 kr.

    Dear Tim and Karina, thank you for this initiative. We are happy support in celebration life, love, and friendship on your big day. Love, Phil & Maria

  • William Thorogood William Thorogood donated 500 kr.

  • Hannes Koopmann Hannes Koopmann donated 888 kr.

    Dear Karina and Tim, we think it’s a brilliant idea to ask for donations instead of presents - so we are gladly contributing. XXX The Koopmanns

  • Morten Graff-Wang Morten Graff-Wang donated 500 kr.

    Godt initiativ! Vi gleder oss til bryllupet. Klem fra Sarah og Morten.

  • Marianne  Pandrup Marianne Pandrup donated 100 kr.

    Stort tillykke med jeres bryllup <3 Fantastisk initiativ ift. gaveønske - og så bare fordi (især du Karina) og jeres historie rører mig. Jeg håber I får en fantastisk fest her på Haraldskær.

  • Gaz Oliver Gaz Oliver donated 300 kr.

    Tillykke Tim og Karina - håber du har en fantastisk dag og fremtid sammen! Bet that's gone wrong somewhere...

  • Karina Juhl Karina Juhl
    Thank you so much for your donations! It truly means the world to Tim and me - and it has the potential
    to mean the world for more parents and children than you can imagine.
    From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU
  • Lars Mølhave  Pedersen Lars Mølhave Pedersen donated 800 kr.

    Hjertelig tillykke med Brylluppet. Ønsker jer. Britta og Lars

  • Annette  Jannsen Annette Jannsen donated 500 kr.

    Tillykke med dagen ønsker "Gavekassen" i LEL

  • Solvejg, Mogens og Peter Juhl Solvejg, Mogens og Peter Juhl donated 800 kr.

    Ønske fra brudeparret

  • Maria  Thinggaard Maria Thinggaard donated 500 kr.

    Tillykke med jeres bryllup fra Michala, Thomas, Camilla, Britta, Iben, Christian, Søren, Anette, Liliana & Maria

  • Janine Ainley Janine Ainley donated 250 kr.

    Congratulations on your wedding, love from Janine, Luke & Rhiannon xxx

  • Karina Juhl Karina Juhl donated 200 kr.

    For Isaac